Educate a girl, empower a woman, inspire a community, change lives!

Dear CCLEF Supporters,

We’ve been busy! Busy reading school reports and letters from girls seeking renewal of sponsorship for another year in Granada, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Lesotho, Nigeria, Swaziland, St Kitts, Ghana, Cameroon, Kenya, St Lucia, Rwanda and Zambia.

We Akim Asafo Group Photo 2015are continually uplifted by the girls and what they write to us– do read on if you’d like to share a glimpse of the ambition and determination of young women across the globe girls who are enthused and grateful for your support.

Belinda in Zimbabwe says she can now “do everything to my level best because there is someone out there who believes in me.”

Charity from St Vincent and the Grenadines came top of her class and her classmate Angela assures us that being able to “buy my exercise books, other stationery, my literature books, school shoes, bags and uniforms will make things better and I will be able to attend school regularly and so perform better at school”.

Lehlomo from Swaziland wrote “I am often expelled from school because [my parents] do not have the money to pay my school fees but this year….I am sure I am going to pass”.

From Kenya, Maryann wisely advised us “I have had to adapt to the new environment of secondary school”, Hannah aspires to be a journalist and Glory tells us that her school marks very hard in an effort to make the girls work harder and remain competitive.

In Grenada, Nicola aims to be an archaeologist as she likes learning historical facts and writes that she “appreciates her parents’ love and sacrifice [to pay school fees] but sponsorship gives me added impetus”.

Lindy in Swaziland wants to be a pilot and writes “if it wasn’t for you, maybe I would have dropped out of school, who knows?”

From Nigeria,  Dolly admits “I used to miss class as a result of my mother’s inability to pay my school fees, but now I walk freely with my friends without being ashamed”.

From Ghana,  Grace, full of determination, tells us “I wish to become a teacher, It is my intention to help reduce the illiteracy rate in my country”. Equally determined Elspeth wrote “My aim is to be a journalist. I am a girl who wants to be heard and I do not hide this skill.”

We’re looking for supporters who are willing to run 10km in order to raise funds to keep girls like these in school. The CCLEF enters a team of 24 runners in the British 10kLondon Run Sunday 12th July. Please do be in contact with Jagravi, our wonderful volunteer at   if you would like to join us.  General  information about the event can be found at

We have recently heard about CCLEF Alumnae who have become or are studying to become a nurse, builder, lawyer, secondary teacher, policewoman, doctor, environmental scientist, HIV/Aids Health Coordinator, and an economist – clearly the girls make best use of their opportunities!

Finally, I return to Belinda from Zimbabwe who says her current inspiring saying is “Be like a postage stamp, stick to the envelope until you get there” – that, I think, is exactly what our sponsored girls do if they possibly, possibly can.

My very best wishes to you all and thank you as ever for your support,

Penny O'Regan
CCLEF Chairwoman

PS: If you would like to make a donation and help to keep these girls in school, please do so via our website at I have also attached the regular donation form – thank you.

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