Tickets are on sale now for the annual Valentine's Gala Dinner, which will be held on Thursday 14th February 2019 at the Royal Over-Seas League in London.
The Black Tie event will include a complimentary drink and a three course gala dinner witth live entertaiment, great raffle prizes and an auction. Tickets cost £65.00pp with net proceeds donated to the Commonwealth Girls Education Fund.
How to purchase your ticket:
- Bank transfer: Please first contact organiser Duchess williams-Alonga on 07733 375 407 or at
- Cheque: To be made payable to the Commonwealth Girls Education Fund and sent to c/o The CGEF Treasurer, 1 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2PH
- Pay online: Click here to purchase tickets via Paypal
/ Credit or Debit Card accounts
Annual Valentine's Gala Dinner 2018
The annual Valentine's Gala Dinner was held on Friday 9th February 2018 at the Royal Over-Seas League in London. It was a wonderful evening with entertainment, fabulous draw prizes and dancing with trustees, friends and guests. Please view photos here.